
2 liter Afl. 22.00 (incl. 6% OB)

Microferm ta un meskla di Mikro-organismo Efektivo Aktivá (EM-A) ku ta kla pa uso.


Pa veiver: e ta oumentá e diversidat di mikrobio den e awa.
2 liter ta bon pa 12 te ku 25 m³ di awa.

Pa kurá: den tera e ta promové e kambio di material orgániko pa un deskomposishon di orientashon fèrmentativo mas efisiente.
Pa traha kòmpòst fèrmentá (Bokashi): ku Microferm por fèrmentá sushi di kurá hasié mèst di Bokashi (material orgániko fèrmentá), ku tin e nutrishon mas ideal pa bo matanan i kurá.


Nos ta meskla Microferm ku awa den e siguiente proporshon:

  • Den veiver 1 : 5000 òf 1 : 10.000
  • Pa mata 1 : 500
  • Pa limpiesa 1 : 100
  • Pa kita holó malu 1 : 10
  • Pa kita frus 1 : 1
  • Den awa pa bebe pa bestianan 1 : 10000

Microferm ta bin den un saku den un kaha “bag in box”.
Un saku di plèstik ku ta kremp segun bo ta us’é, pa airu no yega serka e Microferm.



Microferm is a mixture of active Effective Micro-organisms (EM-A) that is ready-to-use.


For ponds: it increases the microbial diversity in the water (2 liters is sufficient for 12 to 25m3 water).
For gardens: in the soil it stimulates the conversion of organic material for a more efficient fermentative oriented decomposition.
To make fermentation compost (Bokashi): with Microferm, the garden waste can be fermented to Bokashi manure (organically fermented material) which includes the most ideal nutrients for your plants and garden.

How to use:

  • Use in ponds: dilute 1 to 5000 or 10,000
  • Use with plants: dilute 1 to 500
  • Use as cleaning product: 1 on 100
  • Use as an air freshener: dilute 1 on 10
  • Use as a rust remover: dilute 1 on 1
  • Use in drinkwater for animals: 1 on 10000

Microferm comes in a handy “bag in box”. A plastic bag which shrinks when drained, so that no oxygen can get to the Microferm.



Microferm zijn Effectieve Micro-organismen, kant-en-klaar voor gebruik. Het is een mengsel van actieve bacteriën, schimmels en gisten. De ideale manier om natuurlijk te tuinieren. Door die micro-organismen bijv. met het planten­water verdund mee te geven, zorg je voor een evenwichtige balans van micro-organismen in je tuin.

Microferm wordt ook gebruikt om plantaardige en dierlijke resten te fermenteren, heeft een ziekte onderdrukkend effect op planten en groenten en stimuleert het bodemleven. In en rond onze tuin leven miljarden bacteriën. Voor een gezond leefmilieu is het belangrijk dat de goede bacte­riën steeds in de meerderheid zijn.


  • Fermenteren van plantaardig en dierlijk afval; 1 : 100
  • Enten op de composthoop; 1: 100
  • Tegen geurhinder o.a. in dierenverblijven; 1 : 10
  • Zorgt voor natuurlijk evenwicht in de vijver; 1: 5000 of 1 : 10000
  • Verstuiven voor ziekte onderdrukkend effect bij planten; 1 : 500
  • Om roest te verwijderen; 1 : 1
  • In drinkwater voor de dieren; 1 : 10000

Microferm wordt geleverd in een BIB zak. Een plastic zak die inkrimpt terwijl u het in gebruik hebt, zodat er geen zuurstof erbij kan.




2 liter Afl. 19.50 (ex OB)

Microferm ta un meskla di Mikro-organismo Efektivo Aktivá (EM-A) ku ta kla pa uso.


Pa veiver: e ta oumentá e diversidat di mikrobio den e awa.
2 liter ta bon pa 12 te ku 25 m³ di awa.

Pa kurá: den tera e ta promové e kambio di material orgániko pa un deskomposishon di orientashon fèrmentativo mas efisiente.
Pa traha kòmpòst fèrmentá (Bokashi): ku Microferm por fèrmentá sushi di kurá hasié mèst di Bokashi (material orgániko fèrmentá), ku tin e nutrishon mas ideal pa bo matanan i kurá.


Nos ta meskla Microferm ku awa den e siguiente proporshon:

  • Den veiver 1 : 5000 òf 1 : 10.000
  • Pa mata 1 : 500
  • Pa limpiesa 1 : 100
  • Pa kita holó malu 1 : 10
  • Pa kita frus 1 : 1

Microferm ta bin den un saku den un kaha “bag in box”.
Un saku di plèstik ku ta kremp segun bo ta us’é, pa airu no yega serka e Microferm.



Microferm is a mixture of active Effective Micro-organisms (EM-A) that is ready-to-use.


For ponds: it increases the microbial diversity in the water (2 liters is sufficient for 12 to 25m3 water).
For gardens: in the soil it stimulates the conversion of organic material for a more efficient fermentative oriented decomposition.
To make fermentation compost (Bokashi): with Microferm, the garden waste can be fermented to Bokashi manure (organically fermented material) which includes the most ideal nutrients for your plants and garden.

How to use:

  • Use in ponds: dilute 1 to 5000 or 10,000
  • Use with plants: dilute 1 to 500
  • Use as cleaning product: 1 on 100
  • Use as an air freshener: dilute 1 on 10
  • Use as a rust remover: dilute 1 on 1

Microferm comes in a handy “bag in box”. A plastic bag which shrinks when drained, so that no oxygen can get to the Microferm.






2 liter Afl. 19.50 (ex OB)

Microferm ta un meskla di Mikro-organismo Efektivo Aktivá (EM-A) ku ta kla pa uso.


Pa veiver: e ta oumentá e diversidat di mikrobio den e awa.
2 liter ta bon pa 12 te ku 25 m³ di awa.

Pa kurá: den tera e ta promové e kambio di material orgániko pa un deskomposishon di orientashon fèrmentativo mas efisiente.
Pa traha kòmpòst fèrmentá (Bokashi): ku Microferm por fèrmentá sushi di kurá hasié mèst di Bokashi (material orgániko fèrmentá), ku tin e nutrishon mas ideal pa bo matanan i kurá.


Nos ta meskla Microferm ku awa den e siguiente proporshon:

  • Den veiver 1 : 5000 òf 1 : 10.000
  • Pa mata 1 : 500
  • Pa limpiesa 1 : 100
  • Pa kita holó malu 1 : 10
  • Pa kita frus 1 : 1

Microferm ta bin den un saku den un kaha “bag in box”.
Un saku di plèstik ku ta kremp segun bo ta us’é, pa airu no yega serka e Microferm.



Microferm is a mixture of active Effective Micro-organisms (EM-A) that is ready-to-use.


For ponds: it increases the microbial diversity in the water (2 liters is sufficient for 12 to 25m3 water).
For gardens: in the soil it stimulates the conversion of organic material for a more efficient fermentative oriented decomposition.
To make fermentation compost (Bokashi): with Microferm, the garden waste can be fermented to Bokashi manure (organically fermented material) which includes the most ideal nutrients for your plants and garden.

How to use:

  • Use in ponds: dilute 1 to 5000 or 10,000
  • Use with plants: dilute 1 to 500
  • Use as cleaning product: 1 on 100
  • Use as an air freshener: dilute 1 on 10
  • Use as a rust remover: dilute 1 on 1

Microferm comes in a handy “bag in box”. A plastic bag which shrinks when drained, so that no oxygen can get to the Microferm.




