Afl. 45.75 (ex. 6% OB)
Salu di EM X Gold 100gr.
Salu di EM-X Gold ta drecha e smak di bo kuminda, e ta sòru tambe pa e mineralnan ku ta nesesario pa bo keda salú i mehorá bo salú.
Kontrali na otro sorto di salu di mesa, salu di EM ta kontené anti-oksidantenan fuerte ku ta evitá e daño ku e radikalnan liber ta hasi den bo kurpa.
Salu di EM-X Gold ta wòrdu trahá dor di awa di laman destilá (den besindario di e isla Okinawa – Hapon) i EM-X. Pa e motibu akí e ta bira un fuente nutritivo riku na anti-oksidantenan aktivo i mineralnan di rasko.
Por usa salu di EM komo salu di mesa.
Mas sugerensia pa uso:
- Pa kushiná i temperá
- Skrùp desinfektante pa pia
Pone un poko di salu di EM den EM-X i maser bo pianan pa mas o menos 10 minüt. Hinka bo pianan despues den un baki di awa kayente, tratá ku EM-X serámika.
Bo por pone mas salu di EM i EM-X den e awa según bo deseo . - Matanan
Bo por malkriá bo matanan den kas, flor i bèrduranan ku e fuente milagroso di mineralnan akí, dor di pone 1 telep di salu di EM den 6 te 15 liter di awa, i muha òf spùit bo matanan.
Komposishon di salu EM
Unidat di kontenido di mineral: (µg/g)
Kalsio 0.178
Heru 12
Kalio 0.159
Fòsfòr <5
Magnesio 2.79
Senk 1
Koper <1
Mangano <1
Yodo <10
Selenio <5
Natrio 32.5
Kromo 3
Molybdeno <2
EM-X Gold Sea Salt
EM-X Gold Sea Salt not only improves the taste of your food, it also provides the minerals needed to stay healthy and promote your health. Unlike other types of table salt, EM salt contains strong antioxidants that can prevent the damage caused by free radicals in your body.
EM-X Gold salt is made from purified seawater from the depths of 612 meters off Okinawa, Japan and EM-X. This makes it a rich natural source of antioxidants and trace minerals.
The water used is not boiled in the process of extracting the salt.
Our salt is obtained with the help of the sun’s rays facilitating a natural drying process and retaining the salts’ goodness and taste.
EM-salt can be used as an ordinary table salt.
More suggestions for use:
- For cooking and to pickle food
- Disinfectant foot scrub.
Dissolve EM salt in EM-X and massage your feet (top and soles) about 10 minutes with this. Dip your feet in a bath of hot water that is treated with EM-X ceramics. You can add more EM salt and EM-X. - Plants
You can pamper your houseplants, flowers and vegetable garden with this wonderful source of minerals, by dissolving 1 teaspoon of EM salt in 6 to 15 liters of water and use it to spray or watering your plants.
Afl. 45.75 (ex. 6% OB)
Salu di EM X Gold 100gr.![EM X Gold sea salt](/files/2013/06/EM-X-Gold-sea-salt.jpg)
Salu di EM-X Gold ta drecha e smak di bo kuminda, e ta sòru tambe pa e mineralnan ku ta nesesario pa bo keda salú i mehorá bo salú.
Kontrali na otro sorto di salu di mesa, salu di EM ta kontené anti-oksidantenan fuerte ku ta evitá e daño ku e radikalnan liber ta hasi den bo kurpa.
Salu di EM-X Gold ta wòrdu trahá dor di awa di laman destilá (den besindario di e isla Okinawa – Hapon) i EM-X. Pa e motibu akí e ta bira un fuente nutritivo riku na anti-oksidantenan aktivo i mineralnan di rasko.
Por usa salu di EM komo salu di mesa.
Mas sugerensia pa uso:
- Pa kushiná i temperá
- Skrùp desinfektante pa pia
Pone un poko di salu di EM den EM-X i maser bo pianan pa mas o menos 10 minüt. Hinka bo pianan despues den un baki di awa kayente, tratá ku EM-X serámika.
Bo por pone mas salu di EM i EM-X den e awa según bo deseo . - Matanan
Bo por malkriá bo matanan den kas, flor i bèrduranan ku e fuente milagroso di mineralnan akí, dor di pone 1 telep di salu di EM den 6 te 15 liter di awa, i muha òf spùit bo matanan.
Komposishon di salu EM
Unidat di kontenido di mineral: (µg/g)
Kalsio 0.178
Heru 12
Kalio 0.159
Fòsfòr <5
Magnesio 2.79
Senk 1
Koper <1
Mangano <1
Yodo <10
Selenio <5
Natrio 32.5
Kromo 3
Molybdeno <2
EM-X Gold Sea Salt
EM-X Gold Sea Salt not only improves the taste of your food, it also provides the minerals needed to stay healthy and promote your health. Unlike other types of table salt, EM salt contains strong antioxidants that can prevent the damage caused by free radicals in your body.
EM-X Gold salt is made from purified seawater from the depths of 612 meters off Okinawa, Japan and EM-X. This makes it a rich natural source of antioxidants and trace minerals.
The water used is not boiled in the process of extracting the salt.
Our salt is obtained with the help of the sun’s rays facilitating a natural drying process and retaining the salts’ goodness and taste.
EM-salt can be used as an ordinary table salt.
More suggestions for use:
- For cooking and to pickle food
- Disinfectant foot scrub.
Dissolve EM salt in EM-X and massage your feet (top and soles) about 10 minutes with this. Dip your feet in a bath of hot water that is treated with EM-X ceramics. You can add more EM salt and EM-X. - Plants
You can pamper your houseplants, flowers and vegetable garden with this wonderful source of minerals, by dissolving 1 teaspoon of EM salt in 6 to 15 liters of water and use it to spray or watering your plants.
Afl. 45.75 (ex. 6% OB)
Salu di EM X Gold 100gr.![EM X Gold sea salt](/files/2013/06/EM-X-Gold-sea-salt.jpg)
Salu di EM-X Gold ta drecha e smak di bo kuminda, e ta sòru tambe pa e mineralnan ku ta nesesario pa bo keda salú i mehorá bo salú.
Kontrali na otro sorto di salu di mesa, salu di EM ta kontené anti-oksidantenan fuerte ku ta evitá e daño ku e radikalnan liber ta hasi den bo kurpa.
Salu di EM-X Gold ta wòrdu trahá dor di awa di laman destilá (den besindario di e isla Okinawa – Hapon) i EM-X. Pa e motibu akí e ta bira un fuente nutritivo riku na anti-oksidantenan aktivo i mineralnan di rasko.
Por usa salu di EM komo salu di mesa.
Mas sugerensia pa uso:
- Pa kushiná i temperá
- Skrùp desinfektante pa pia
Pone un poko di salu di EM den EM-X i maser bo pianan pa mas o menos 10 minüt. Hinka bo pianan despues den un baki di awa kayente, tratá ku EM-X serámika.
Bo por pone mas salu di EM i EM-X den e awa según bo deseo . - Matanan
Bo por malkriá bo matanan den kas, flor i bèrduranan ku e fuente milagroso di mineralnan akí, dor di pone 1 telep di salu di EM den 6 te 15 liter di awa, i muha òf spùit bo matanan.
Komposishon di salu EM
Unidat di kontenido di mineral: (µg/g)
Kalsio 0.178
Heru 12
Kalio 0.159
Fòsfòr <5
Magnesio 2.79
Senk 1
Koper <1
Mangano <1
Yodo <10
Selenio <5
Natrio 32.5
Kromo 3
Molybdeno <2
EM-X Gold Sea Salt
EM-X Gold Sea Salt not only improves the taste of your food, it also provides the minerals needed to stay healthy and promote your health. Unlike other types of table salt, EM salt contains strong antioxidants that can prevent the damage caused by free radicals in your body.
EM-X Gold salt is made from purified seawater from the depths of 612 meters off Okinawa, Japan and EM-X. This makes it a rich natural source of antioxidants and trace minerals.
The water used is not boiled in the process of extracting the salt.
Our salt is obtained with the help of the sun’s rays facilitating a natural drying process and retaining the salts’ goodness and taste.
EM-salt can be used as an ordinary table salt.
More suggestions for use:
- For cooking and to pickle food
- Disinfectant foot scrub.
Dissolve EM salt in EM-X and massage your feet (top and soles) about 10 minutes with this. Dip your feet in a bath of hot water that is treated with EM-X ceramics. You can add more EM salt and EM-X. - Plants
You can pamper your houseplants, flowers and vegetable garden with this wonderful source of minerals, by dissolving 1 teaspoon of EM salt in 6 to 15 liters of water and use it to spray or watering your plants.