Sep 20, 2012 | Agriculture & Garden
Set di /of 2 Afl. 165.00 (incl. 6% OB) EM Hèmber di Bokashi Ku e Hèmber di Bokashi bo ta fèrmentá bo propio resíduo di kushina den kas. Dor di meskla e resíduo (sobrá) di fruta, bèrdura i kuminda (fresku) ku un poko di Bokashi-starter, ta surgi material orgániko di...
Sep 20, 2012 | Agriculture & Garden
[:en]1/4 liter Afl. 15.00 (incl. 6% OB) 1 liter Afl. 36.00 (incl. 6% OB) Agri Groei Ta un líkido homeopátiko pa mata, ku 20 elemento di rasko biológiko aktivo. Pa bèrdura, flor, palu di fruta, mata, fèlt di yerba i hidro-kultura. Aplikashon: Usa 1 dòpi...
Sep 11, 2012 | home pictures
The Hummingbird, messenger of joy and beauty, symbolizes the rebirth of Taino Indigenous people in the Caribbean diaspora. It is sacred because it is recognized as the sacred pollinator and therefore disseminator of all new life.
Sep 10, 2012 | home pictures
It always felt like the inspiration for the return to the island of Curaçao as if it’s “the place to be” in the era of cosmic transition.
Sep 9, 2012 | home pictures
The shape of the island reflects the symbol of the Infinity, where in the center the heart-energies are most present. From here it’s our aim to ripple out mainly “Unity within Diversity”, and the act of “Inclusiveness”.